Every year, one our members is elected to the master of our lodge, and guides our Lodge forward for the year. This is a great honour, and we especially remember those served in that office.
R.W. Bro. Morrison 1980 “…a year of firsts; introduced West Gate Lodge to the world of masonry.”
R.W. Bro. Morrison 1981 “served a second year
W. Bro. Boratynec 1982 “…as the second master he contributed greatly with his fund raising and Masonic education to the lodge.”
* W. Bro. Brown 1983 “…had the first formal ladies night which is still raved about to this day. The lodge was also very busy having to do double degrees in some lodge nights to lighten the load of candidates.”
* W. Bro. Caminer 1984 “… first non-pasted master to be elected to the masters chair. One highlight of the year was raising a brother in February with all present in overcoats due to the furnace failing.”
* W. Bro. Shearer 1985 “… hosted nights dedicated to Official Visitors; such as Toronto Temple Night, Brampton Temple Night, etc. where the lodges from those Temples would be our official visitors.”
* W. Bro. Carter 1986 “…established a solid financial plan for the lodge reducing cost such as asking the brethren to assist the Junior Warden provide for the banquet hour.”
* W. Bro. Carter 1987 “…served a second year.”
* W. Bro. Mackie 1988″…in 1988 introduced the Children’s Christmas Party.
*W. Bro. Joseph 1989 “…as the first initiated member to serve as Worshipful Master he opened the doors of West Gate with our first open house.”
W. Bro. Hartzema 1990 “…Enthusiasm is Contagious, Lets all catch it!” were his theme and belief to enjoy both the time in the lodge room and the fellowship in the banquet room, where brotherhood and friendship become one.”
* W. Bro. Mackie 1991″…In 1991 he initiated 11 new members into West Gate Lodge.”
W. Bro. Bryant 1992&2006 “…introduced the Christmas Social Night which brought the members and wives together for a pot luck feast during the Christmas Season.”
W. Bro. Hartzema 1994 “…served a second term
W. Bro. Lee 1994 “…..a bridge builder, he organized a bus trip to St.John’s Lodge No. 20, and continued to build more bridges of friendship by traveling to Wiarton; Cedar Lodge No.396 his fathers mother Lodge.”
* W. Bro. Williamson 1995 “… provided 10 candidates to other lodges in the district due to his busy year; visitation being paramount. He was also ordained “West Gates Master Plumber” at the Installation Banquet.”
* W. Bro. Sommers 1996 “… along with his great leadership qualities gentle manner, and good humour, he brought the spirit of the West Indies to the Lodge. “He be thee Master of the West Gate Lodge”
W. Bro. Roberts 1997 “…had an event filled year, including welcoming a Police Degree Team and hosting the reception for the District Deputy Grand Master of Toronto District One.
* W. Bro. Bailey 1998 “…Instrumental in visiting the widows of West Gate Lodge for many years providing them with gifts at Christmas.”
W. Bro. Andrews 1999 “…ushered in the new millennium with the spirit of camaraderie and fellowship and the unwavering support of the Past Masters who kept us on track to achieve the vision of those who founded this great and wonderful Lodge”
W. Bro. Attwood 2000 “…excited to be the first W.M. of the new Millennium! Extended the Children’s Christmas party invitation to those in our community that are less fortunate.”
W. Bro. Clarke 2001 “..He encouraged the active participation of the lodge in the local Streetville Bread and Honey Festival to raise funds for local charities.”
W. Bro. Clarke 2001&2002 “…served two consecutive terms.
W. Bro. Woods 2003 “…made the Christmas Social a night to remember by introducing a Christmas Choir to perform for the members and their ladies. Money was donated to Cheshire House and Interim Place.”
W. Bro. Hendricks 2004 “…the 25th master of West Gate Lodge ushering in our first quarter century.”
* W. Bro. Jansurik 2005
* W. Bro. Clark 2007 “…enhanced the Lodge’s online presence and persevered through many challenges.”
W. Bro. Weyland 2008
W. Bro. Kong 2009
W. Bro. Warner 2010 “…the first Cornerstone Master in the District leading the way for others. Hosted a Caribbean Night that 300 attended.”
W. Bro. Palmer 2011 “…during an extremely busy year conferred 27 degrees while maintaining a busy schedule travelling throughout the District.”
W. Bro. Hofland 2012
W. Bro. Tom 2013 “…sought to develop an effective and sustainable organization through the enhancement of leadership skills within our lodge.”
* W. Bro. Sammy 2014 “… introduced the Family Picnic, represented the Lodge with many visits, amazed us with the “Big Lime” while honouring the Lodge’s many traditions.”
W. Bro. Phoenix 2015
* W. Bro. Kenneth Bugley 2016…spearheaded the “Blue Slipper Ball” unique education presentations while maintaining West Gate standards.
W. Bro. Lund 2018
W. Bro Durst 2019 “Covid-19 struck this year”
W. Bro Durst 2020 “Covid-19 remained throughout the year”